Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Little Bit of Intro...

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the chaotic (or perhaps not so chaotic) world of ME! 

This blog serves as an avenue for me to record the ongoings in my life.. I guess I'm thinking about immortalization.. Time flies by so fast, all there's left are memories and these are what I would like to preserve - hence immortalizing memories. What triggered this? I'm not so sure but I guess I was thinking about my late father and brother who passed away in 2009 and 2010 respectively, and how I wish I could remember all the things I did with them.. 

Anyways, so what's new for me? I just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on 11 March 2011 @ 1.57 p.m. Ayra Fazeela was 2.785 kg and 52cm long at birth and she's just so sweet.. This is my second child though. My first is also a girl, Azeema Nazaaha who was born on 2 September 2007 @ 2.25p.m. at birth weight 3.03kg and length 54cm. She is 3 years and 7 months old and currently attending Joyful Kids Montessori, convenient seeing that it is just 1 minute away from our house.

I can talk on and on about my two daughters but I'll save that for later blogs. 

So currently I'm still in my confinement period. 45 days seem a long time, especially for someone who's always out and about like me. Being stuck in my own house, not even allowed to step out of the door, is not pleasant, but at least I have good reason to do so. But I so can't wait for the 45 days to be over. First thing I'll do would be to head to my hairdresser and give my hair a good trimming and thinning. It's becoming too thick and annoying (my husband hates hearing me say that coz he wishes that he has more hair! hehe) Well at least, I have 105 days of maternity leave which will end on 12 June 2011. Quite long time huh? I'm so not looking forward to go back to work, especially not after the long leave! The confinement ritual is something to talk about as well, but I'll talk about this later. It deserves its own topic!

I guess that's all for intro. I'll be back again to talk about some of the things discussed earlier!

Anyway, since I'm new at this blogging thing, obviously there's a lot that needs to be improved, but don't worry.. practice makes perfect! :)

Adios for now! xx

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