Friday, April 8, 2011

Azeema Nazaaha - During Pregnancy/ Delivery

Our first daughter was born on 2 September 2007 @ 2.25p.m. at RIPAS Hospital, with weight of 3.03kg and measuring 54cm. 

1st trimester - slight nausea and headaches but no pukes, easily calmed down with sweets. I got tired alot, hence skipped work in the afternoon quite frequently..hehehe.. Couldn't stand chicken, vege and anything cooked with tons of spices and oil. All I could eat was meat and egg. Even white rice was hard to swallow. It was hell, so lost quite a bit of weight here.

2nd trimester - Still losing a bit of weight but picked it up starting the 5th month. Still couldn't eat much chicken and vege but I did try, just to balance the red meat. Blood sugar level started to hike so was advised to control. It wasn't so bad here but I did cheat every now and then..oh all right, all the time then! hehehe.. started showing in my 4th month..

3rd trimester - Stopped driving to work at 7th month coz my tummy was so in the way..The weight increase was surprising.. just couldn't wait to give birth coz I was getting too huge and waddled all the time. Had to have air kelapa and cakoi everyday! Not sure why.. At this point, I just ate whatever I felt like eating. In fact, I was so adamant to have air kelapa one night and asked Shoukry to drive me over to Pasar Malam but ended up in police station coz we got into a minor accident on the way.. talk about costly appetite! hehe..

I carried her for 37+ weeks until my water broke in the midnight of 2 September 2007. I was a bit clueless when it happened. I knew I wasn't peeing in my pants but it was a bit surreal at that time. I went to RIPAS anyway and got admitted right away. Turned out they had to induce me since my blood pressure started to escalate. I was induced twice and the pain only started to become unbearable starting 10am. I remembered the painful contractions, even worse leading up to the delivery. But I also remembered that the delivery itself was not painful at all. In fact, I was waiting for the pain. After 4 heaves, Azeema Nazaaha was finally born.

Even though I was put in the first class ward, there was a lot to be said about the nursing services and excellent is not one of them. I understand that MOH really insists on mothers breastfeeding the baby from day 1 and strictly forbids giving formula but if one could not express, what do they expect the mother to do? On our first night stay, the poor baby kept us awake until 4am coz she was hungry and I was not lactating at all, not to mention very tired. None of the nurses came to my rescue. Eventually, I gave her formula anyway and thankfully, she calmed down and went to sleep. I think MOH needs to relax that rule a bit. Lactation differs from women to women and I just fall under those who can only start to express on day 5. 

Anyways, being pregnant was so great! I love every part of it..ok, maybe not the first trimester but on the whole, I felt great!! Especially when knowing we were going to have a daughter. Although, Shoukry did play jerk at one point where he asked the doctor to re-check again after the doctor had confirmed that it was going to be a girl..Inferiority complex? hehe..

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