Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!

It's my mom's birthday today!! Yay-ness!!! She is officially hmm..let me see...55 years old today! Oh wow, my mom is that old?! Hehe..didn't mean it that way though but looking at her picture below, you'll probably have the same reaction.

Isn't she a doll? Yup, she's 55 and still looks like 40. I wonder if I can look like that when I'm her age.

Anywho, happy birthday mom! We love you so much. We pray for your good health, long life, happiness and wealth. We pray that you will have enough courage and conviction to face whatever challenges ahead. You are my idol and inspiration. You have made me who I am today and for that I am eternally grateful. And someday, I hope to be to my kids what you are to me now.

I hope you will enjoy the little party we have in store for you later and the little gift! Can't wait! Love you mom!

Zida xx

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